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  • The person who comes closest to providing that is probably Yu Dan, a pop philosopher whose commentary on the Analects of Confucius achieved the rare publishing feat of outselling Harry Potter.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • The person who comes closest to providing that is probably Yu Dan, a pop philosopher whose commentary on the Analects of Confucius achieved the rare publishing feat of outselling Harry Potter.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • The person who comes closest to providing that is probably Yu Dan, a pop philosopher whose commentary on the Analects of Confucius achieved the rare publishing feat of outselling Harry Potter.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • I spoke to the popular philosopher Yu Dan, who has made her name writing about Confucian ideas - which is very much in line with Party orthodoxy at the moment.

    TreeHugger 2010

  • The show's original 55 acts have been reduced to four, while cultural experts such as well-known literary scholar Yu Dan, have been brought on to help maintain the beauty of the play's original style and verse in such a compact space.

    Chinalyst - China blogs in English 2010

  • Confucius from the Heart: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World by Yu Dan 224pp, Pan, £7.99 - Articles related to US STOCKS-Wall St set for flat open as housing data eyed 2010

  • Confucius from the Heart: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World by Yu Dan 224pp, Pan, £7.99 - Articles related to US STOCKS-Wall St set for flat open as housing data eyed 2010


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